Hiya new Mama, congrats are in order! We see you over there, glowing and ready for your Maternity Photos. Ok, but let’s be real, many of us, oh so many of us aren’t actually glowing. We’re too busy picking ourselves up off the bathroom floor or rolling out of bed from a much-needed nap to bask in the ‘glow’. Here’s the secret, you really are glowing YOU just can’t see it.
Top 3 Maternity Photo Question
all the answers
- When do I take my Maternity Portraits?
- What do I Wear to my Maternity Photo Shoot?
- Should I include my partner and kids in my Maternity Portraits?
I promise we see your glow!
You are glowing because you are growing an amazing new life and that’s literally the coolest. But as every experienced mama knows there are so many questions and not so many answers. The real answer to every question when you are expecting and once you’ve had kids is the same, there is no ONE answer. Every kid is different. Every baby is different. Every experience is different. Every pregnancy is different. Right, so how are we possibly going to answer the TOP THREE QUESTIONS ON MATERNITY PORTRAITS? The answer is simple, we’re not. But we are here to help you answer the questions for yourself.

This is the big question, the most important, and the hardest to answer. You are going to want to come in for maternity portraits once you are big enough to be showing. We’re not talking about looking like you ate a big hoagie for lunch but actually showing that big, beautiful belly. BUT you are going to want to come in before you get uncomfortable. It’s true, I’m sorry to be the one to tell you but you will get to a point in your pregnancy where you are just uncomfortable.
So, for a general guide, you will want to come in somewhere between 26 and 34 weeks. That being said, you might pop sooner with subsequent pregnancies.
The simple answer, is something that shows off that beautiful belly! The more complex answer, is something that makes you FEEL beautiful. There are lots of studios that have closets full of stunning maternity dresses that are big and fluffy or colorful and form-fitting. But that’s not us. At Ivory Tree, our entire mission is to celebrate what makes each person unique so you should wear something that makes you feel, like you.

It’s our recommendation that you wear a fitted dress that really shows off the belly. But if you love jeans, wear jeans. Into flowy dresses, wear a flowy dress. The only thing we don’t recommend is hiding the belly! For inspiration click here or you can also work with our stylist, who is amazing!
Here’s the deal. You are growing that beautiful new soul. At Ivory Tree we will definitely celebrate your glow with individual images. But the real truth is that you are bringing a brand new person into your family. This is the first time you are getting to really celebrate your new family unit.
Yes, your partner should totally be in the images. It’s a time to celebrate your connection, your love, your family. It is our total fav to include siblings in the maternity shoot. What we especially love about including older siblings is giving them a chance to be a part of all the excitement. It helps them wrap their little minds around their big new role. It’s super hard when you’ve been the center of Mama’s world for your entire life and now you’re expected to share, literally everything. So, we love to set the tone that the baby is a new addition to the entire family not just new to Mama.
We hear all the time
I’m not loving how I look right now. Do I really want to remember this moment?
Yes. Most definitely, yes. Here’s the deal. We are our own worst critics. We live in a world that chooses filters and perfectly curated moments on social rather than real connections. And you are never more interconnected with your baby than when you are pregnant.

You might not feel like you are glowing, your ankles might be swollen, or you might be retaining water but that’s how you feel. What we capture is the connection you have with your baby and your partner. You won’t regret having the images, even if you don’t display them in a 30×40 on your wall. But you will regret not having them.
To get personal, I didn’t have them done when I was pregnant with Caitie (my first) and I was super cute when I was pregnant with her. With Lorelai, I was a hot mess, showing and in maternity clothes at 3 months, which also happened to be Caitie’s 1st birthday shoot! And that image is the first I have of our full family.
It’s not just my first connection with Lorelai, It’s Caitie’s too!
Caitie is hugging my belly, it’s not just my first connection with Lorelai, it’s Caitie and Lorelai’s first connection and it’s an image I will always cherish. It’s in my living room, now 11 years later.

There are so many questions when you are expecting, we’re here to make capturing the moments just a little bit easier. So, here’s the simple truth, book a session between 26 and 34 weeks, wear something tight and have the memory forever! Discover more about our Maternity portraits at Ivory Tree Portraits.
Don’t forget to book your Newborn session based on your due date! Find our all the deets here!
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