Check out our stylist Jaime Dhiel's tips by click here. You can also contact her and she'll do all the hard work for you...

How Long is the Session...

We're what you call Child Lead, which means we let littles set the pace. Some take longer to warm up and other are ready to go but fade quickly. 

So to answer your question anywhere between 15-45 min. But we'll get the shot, we promise.

Why a Session Fee...

Honestly, because we've dedicated that time to your family. No one else can book, you will be the only folks in the studio. 

Are Dogs Allowed...

OMG, yes! Obvi they are super important family members! We just ask that if you are bringing a furry friend, ensure you are able to control them and that they are curbed before coming into the studio!

How long will my digitals take...

Two weeks. Yup, every time! One of the reasons you come to us is that we give you the best night sleep ever! That takes time, especially because every image is hand retouched!

What does '+Product' mean...

It means you only buy images you love. You select the image and how you want it (digital, framed, in an album). This cost is in addition to the session fee.
Find detailed pricing here 

there are always five

Never a need to choose,
you get three per session

Here's the secret, shhh. Every one of our backgrounds have an ivory element (wink, wink).

this way, your images grow with you. You can put an iamge from today and from 5 years from now right next to each other and they will look cohesive because that ivory ties them together.

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Before we get any further...

the products

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Gorgeous and inspirational modern goods to fill your space and life with


a sneak peak
into lara's home





©2024 ivory tree All rights reserved. duplication of these images in any way, shape or form is prohibited by law & makes you a yucky human.