Instagram makes it look like we all have the most angelic kids all the time. That we have everything in our lives so put together. Yet, we all know it isn’t true. And that’s ok. It’s ok that our instagram feed is the highlights of our life. It’s ok that we celebrate the moments our little ones make us proud. And it’s ok that we don’t highlight all the ugh moments. I don’t think it’s not genuine, I think you can be honest and real without being raw. I’m totally cool with saving the raw for my IRL friends. Those who know my kids, those who know me, those who love my family. You know the ones who show up for all the good and all the bad.
With that in mind we partnered with the most amazing Topo Environments to curate a scene that showcases those little angels. Even if it’s only for a moment.

Abigail Enochs, Topo Environments Owner, started her own retail business in 2012 in Berkeley California after studying horticulture at Merrit College with certifications in both compost education and soil science. Abby has a long history of Installation Design, I first met Abby when she was at terrain, when she designed arrangements for both the studio and my home.
Our ‘clouds’ were custom designed and installed by Topo Environments and are simply ethereal. Our white clouds where installed on our creamy white brick giving layers of texture that we simply adore. We recommend pairing this particular scene with muted neutral attire. Think creams, whites, pale gray or tan, maybe a blush or smoky blue. It’s designed to mimic the sky, a clean way to showcase big personalities.

As I scroll through instagram and facebook, I see all these articles on how it’s not real life and it’s hard to compare. I have to disagree, every time. I agree, don’t compare yourself to others. Easier said than done. I feel like that’s a life lesson, not a lesson isolated to social media. I think it’s about changing your perspective. Think of it as an opportunity to celebrate. IRL, if you visit your friend who just finished construction, you celebrate their remodel and are excited with and for them. It’s your choice to take that home and say wow that’s amazing for them or man I wish I had that. So whether it’s IRL or on social media, I say don’t stop celebrating your amazing memories, just realize you’re looking at the highlight real.
At the end of each day, my family has a bedtime routine. We snuggle in, say prayers and end the day with sharing the best part of our day. It’s a reminder to my little ladies of what good happened, what they learned, what they enjoyed and hopefully we send them to bed with a positive attitude and sweet dreams.
#xoxoivorytree #instagramworthy #celebratethewin #mainlinephotographer #philadelphiaphotographer #mainlinephotography #philadelphiaphotography #bestofthemainline #instagramworthy #topoenvironments #terrain
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